Brought to you as part of the 2020 Wisconsin Science Festival.
Month: August 2020
Kerri and Andrew receive support from the Dairy Innovation Hub
The lab has received funding from the Dairy Innovation Hub to support a short-term, high-impact proposal on the capacity of flies to acquire and transmit disease-causing bacteria to dairy cows! The award will provide two …
Andrew Sommer: Life history impacts on fly-microbe interactions
I am very excited to be able to share with everyone the above video featuring my research on the potential role that Muscidae (Diptera) flies play in the transmission of mastitis- and enteritis-causing bacteria to …
Our lab’s commitment to improving diversity in STEM
We believe that everyone has a place in STEM. We also recognize how a legacy of systemic racism and marginalization has put careers in STEM out of reach for many people. We are committed to …
Congratulations to Serena!
Serena Zhao has been appointed as an NIH trainee through the Parasitology & Vector Biology Training Program. Congratulations, Serena!