Introduction to Disease Biology

MICROBIO 345 (3 credits), offered spring semesters *Starting Spring 2022*
Introduces the rich biology of infectious disease and how it impacts the biology of humans and other organisms, through the lens of global health. Steps beyond a narrow focus on the biological dimensions of disease to also cover the social, political, and cultural factors that shape the spread and persistence of disease in natural populations. Includes a survey of the various types of pathogens and the science behind infection, transmission, evolution, and virulence. Requisites: BIOLOGY/ZOOLOGY 101, BIOLOGY/BOTANY 130, BIOLOGY/BOTANY/ZOOLOGY 151, or BIOCORE 381.

Note: This class satisfies the ‘Global Disease Biology and Epidemiology’ course requirement for the new Global Health major.

Tools for Effective Science Communication

ENTOM 875 (2 credits), offered even fall semesters (co-taught with Amy Trowbridge)
This course seeks to equip students with the tools they need to better communicate their science to diverse audiences. Effective approaches for data visualization as well as oral and written modes of communication will be conveyed through discussions, self-reflections, small group work, peer learning, and practice sessions. No requisites.

Physiology of Insects

ENTOM 321 (3 credits), offered Spring 2020 and Spring 2021 (future offerings TBA)
Diversity of physiological systems in insects and applications for agriculture and medicine. Requisites: ENTOM 302 or instructor permission.

Note: This class satisfies the ‘suborganismal’ course requirement for graduate students in Entomology.