Graduate study
If you are interested in doing graduate work with us, please send Kerri an email describing your background and interests. Our lab currently takes students through the UW-Madison Bacteriology M.S. Program, Microbiology Doctoral Training Program, Genetics Ph.D. Program, and the Department of Entomology. The application deadline for all three programs is December 1st. Mid-year applications are considered in Entomology.
Postdoctoral positions
Postdoctoral research positions may be available depending on funding situation and the background and interests of the applicant. Please send inquiries about postdoctoral research by email to Kerri and include your CV, a brief statement of research background and interests, and contact information for at least two references.
Undergraduate research
We always have opportunities for highly motivated undergraduate students to participate in our research program. Interested students should email Kerri to set up an appointment.
Statement on Diversity
Our lab is committed to active anti-racism and anti-marginalization work and are continuously learning and seeking new ways to contribute. Read more here about how we are acting now to improve diversity in our community and beyond. The Microbiology Doctoral Training Program also has an excellent website with related resources and information, including updates on recent program diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.